Welcome2TheBronx has just learned from The Observer that New York City Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo—the politician from The South Bronx who scandals have a penchant for following her—has announced late today that she will be stepping down from office as of December 31, 2015.
We CANNOT allow The dirty politics of The Bronx Democratic machine to take over this democratic process and install one of their puppets yet again.
This comes to many as a huge surprise for someone who fought so hard to hang on to her council seat through methods deemed less than savory which even landed her in court when during last elections in 2013 she had celebrities such as model Kate Moss and former Yankees Derek Jeter on her ballot petitions.
According to the Observer:
“Bronx Councilwoman Maria Carmen del Arroyo announced late today that she would be stepping down at the year’s end.
The Puerto Rican-born South Bronx politician was vague on her reasons for stepping down, citing only “pressing family needs.”
“After much consideration and discussion with my family, I have decided to resign from the City Council effective December 31, 2015,” Ms. Arroyo said in a statement sent out this evening. “I will always be thankful to my colleagues in the Council for their continuous support, along with my friends and supporters who have made it possible for me to serve the people of the Bronx.”
One source, however, told the Observer that Ms. Arroyo may be leaving for a position in the private sector.
Ms. del Arroyo is the daughter of long-serving Assemblywoman Carmen Arroyo, and has sat in the Council since 2005, when she won a special election to replace newly-elected Congressman Jose Serrano.
The resignation will trigger another special election for the seat, which Mayor Bill de Blasio will have to declare within three days of the vacancy, and which will likely be held on February 16.
In March of last year, three of Ms. Arroyo’s 2013 campaign workers were arrested on charges of forging names to ballot petitions.”
Some of the scandals that followed Arroyo were:
Councilwoman Arroyo Admits Petition Signatures Were Fake But Refuses To Accept Responsibility; Scandal Deepens
In a Stinging Blow to Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo, Board of Elections Tosses Over 1,800 Fraudulent Signatures
Bronx Assemblywoman Carmen E. Arroyo Breaks Law — Yet Again: Will Albany Act This Time?
BREAKING NEWS: Corrupt Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo DENIED Public Funds!
Bronx Nonprofit Emails About Fundraiser for Maria del Carmen Arroyo | City & State
Feel free to Google Maria del Carmen Arroyo and scandal and you’ll see how many will pop up.
We now have to seize the moment and make sure we get a candidate in that truly has our community’s best interest at heart.
[…] Scandal Plagued Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo To Step Down […]
[…] the scandal plagued former Councilwoman seems to have been eyeing a deal in the private sector that has almost doubled to a $220,000 per […]
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