An anonymous tipster has sent us images of two 1 trains that were graffiti bombed in the past month up in The Bronx.
Although nothing like decades past when entire trains were covered in Graff and roamed through through the belly of the beast of our subway through the city, this still shows that graffiti artists are very daring in trying to capture their claim to fame—even if ever so brief as these trains are generally pulled out of service immediately to be cleaned.

Many times they don’t even make it out of the train yards so whenever one is seen in service, it’s a rare occasion.
And let’s not forget that last year trains were bombed at E 180th Street in The Bronx and several years ago a 4 train was running with graffiti as well before it was noticed and yanked from service.
This week, pictures surfaced of a mass graffiti bombing that took place during the winter at the train yard in Baychester in The Bronx via Writers Barcelona’s Facebook page.
So this happened overnight…a 1 Train was graffiti bombed all in the name of Trump and not against but what seems to be FOR the disgusting, misogynistic, racist candidate.

This recent rash of graffiti train bombs aren’t confined to The Bronx.
Also within the past few weeks a 7 train ran with graffiti all the way to the last stop. How it remained in service or how it was tagged without the MTA noticing is all but a mystery except to the graff artist.
The big question at the end of the day is this: Would you rather see elaborate graffiti art on the trains or crappy advertisements shoved down our throats?
We’re not condoning defacing property, just posing a question.
Oftentimes we’ve heard from folks who’d rather see some beautiful graffiti vs those ads.
You tell us.
Meanwhile, the trains which were covered with graffiti in the 70s and 80s are now under the sea serving as new reefs for oceanic life.

[…] The 1 Train Gets Graffiti Bombed Not Once But Twice in The Bronx […]
[…] The 1 Train Gets Graffiti Bombed Not Once But Twice in The Bronx […]